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Any ways enjoy your stay guys,

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fixing the 'clearfix' by using overflow:hidden

Hello everyone,

Today i would like to show you guys a much cleaner way to solve a common problem that is pretty often solved by using a clearfix div.

A dirty way
In a nutshell, when you have a container div (or block element) and you set a width but not a height (or vice versa) no matter what size the inner elements are the container will not shrink wrap around the inner contents. So if you would have set a background color or image, you will not see it since the height is 0. To solve this someone came up with a solution to add an extra div inside the container that has a property of clear:both.
Quite often it's combined with the property display:none;

A sample could look like this:


<div id="container">
   <div id="child"><p>lalalala</p></div>
   <div class="clearfix"></div>

A cleaner way
Now this may seem okay, but it can be done much cleaner without having to add an extra div and class. Assuming we have set a fixed width (but not a height) to div#container just like above all we need to do is give that container a property of overflow:hidden;  Making the markup look like below, which needless to say is much cleaner.


<div id="container">
   <div id="child"><p>lalalala</p></div>

What it does in fact say is, anything that becomes wider or higher than the set width or height will be hidden. Since we did not set a height it will just shrink wrap around the content and show everything.

Now after you read this, you may think this makes sense and only idiots would use the clearfix version. Well Think again: Quite some big companies use this clearfix.... Why? Probably because of the same reason why IE 5,6,7 and 8 sucked so much and cost us so much time extra when making nice websites. Curious what big companies. Well here you are:
View their source code and see for yourself.
Moreover, not only are they using the clearfix, but also tables to create the layout. Hopefully you guys already know that tables are meant for other stuff. Despite the promising IE 9, their website is a bad example.

Hopefully you guys found this useful! As always if you have questions, comments or request, feel free to post them.



  1. yes but the problem with overflow:hidden is that it hides the overflow.. rather than showing it like is intended. the issue of adding the clear fix allows the overflow to GROW in height with the parent element.

  2. I just wonder why the big browsers have their head up their asses and does nothing to fix this. Opera does not need a clearfix, I see no reason why any browser would need one.

  3. @Anonymous on May 10, 2011 10:09 PM

    You are right but as always use the right tools for the right moment. The tool given in the situation described above, is for the situation as described above. Nothing more nothing less.
